Python Buffer Protocol
Python objects implementing the Buffer Protocol can be used with zero copy.
| pub fn sum(args: struct { buf: py.PyObject }) !i64 {
const view = try args.buf.getBuffer(py.PyBuffer.Flags.ND);
defer view.release();
var bufferSum: i64 = 0;
for (view.asSlice(i64)) |value| bufferSum += value;
return bufferSum;
comptime {
This function accepts Python arrays, Numpy arrays, or any other buffer protocol implementation.
| def test_sum():
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.int64)
assert buffers.sum(arr) == 15
Understanding request types is important when working with buffers. Common request types are implemented as py.PyBuffer.Flags
, e.g. py.PyBuffer.Flags.FULL_RO
You can implement a buffer protocol in a Pydust module by implementing __buffer__
and optionally __release_buffer__
| pub const ConstantBuffer = py.class(struct {
pub const __doc__ = "A class implementing a buffer protocol";
const Self = @This();
values: []i64,
shape: []const isize, // isize to be compatible with Python API
format: [:0]const u8 = "l", // i64
pub fn __init__(self: *Self, args: struct { elem: i64, length: u32 }) !void {
const values = try py.allocator.alloc(i64, args.length);
@memset(values, args.elem);
const shape = try py.allocator.alloc(isize, 1);
shape[0] = @intCast(args.length);
self.* = .{ .values = values, .shape = shape };
pub fn __del__(self: *Self) void {;;
pub fn __buffer__(self: *const Self, view: *py.PyBuffer, flags: c_int) !void {
// For more details on request types, see
if (flags & py.PyBuffer.Flags.WRITABLE != 0) {
return py.BufferError.raise("request for writable buffer is rejected");
view.initFromSlice(i64, self.values, self.shape, self);